cosmetic dermatology in Newport News Williamsburg vaIt’s a common misconception that SPF is only needed in the summer or on sunny days. Contrary to what you may have heard, this is a myth and a dangerous one at that. Peninsula Dermatology shares the facts about UV risks, SPF and when you need to wear it. 

The reality is that the harmful UVA and UVB rays from the sun are present year-round, they don’t take a break in the winter or on overcast days. Many people incorrectly believe that the clouds block the sun, so they tend to forego using SPF, which is extremely harmful. 

Although the actual bright light that you see may be diminished by the clouds, the UV rays that you can’t see or feel still penetrate right through the clouds and into your skin. In fact, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, up to 80% of the sun’s UV rays can still pass through the clouds, causing skin damage. 

UV Risks

The two types of UV rays that SPF protects us from are UVA and UVB.

Although they may cause damage in different ways, they both damage the DNA in your skin cells, which can lead to skin cancer. 

  • UVB: These rays burn your skin. They affect the outside of your skin, hence the burning. Think B for Burning. 
  • UVA: These rays age your skin and penetrate deeper than your outer layer of skin. Think A for Aging.

Do you think your skin is safe from damage if you work indoors? 

Think again. 

Windows actually only block the UVB rays, which are the rays that burn your skin. That means the UVA rays still get through and penetrate your skin. These same risks apply when driving, as the windows can still leave you vulnerable to the sun’s rays. 

It cannot be stressed enough: SPF is not just important during summer. 

Winter may mean that the sun is further away, but its rays are still harmful to your skin. While it is true that the rays are stronger in the summer, not to mention people tend to spend more time outside in summer versus winter, your skin is still susceptible to sun damage be it rainy, snowy, or sunny out. 

Make it part of your routine

Not only should SPF be used year-round; it should be used every day regardless of your activity. It protects your skin from the aging and burning damage caused by the sun’s rays. The Mayo Clinic advises that experts recommend using a broad spectrum SPF, with a protection factor of 30 and above, as it protects against both types of rays.

Make using SPF a habit by keeping a bottle by your toothbrush so that you apply it each and every morning, as well as in your purse/bag so that you are always prepared. 

Don’t be stingy with the amount you apply. Slather it on thoroughly so that you don’t miss spots that can be exposed to the sun, and don’t forget to add some to your ears! 

Peninsula Dermatology Skin Cancer Surgery Center provides expert dermatological care to patients of all ages. Our providers are happy to advise you of the best ways to protect your skin from damage. Schedule your appointment with us for comprehensive, compassionate dermatological care.